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Supporting executive function in teens through play

Supporting executive function in teens through play

Blair, C., and R. P. Razza. 2007. “Relating Effortful Control, Executive Function, and False Belief Understanding to Emerging Math and Literacy Ability in Kindergarten.” Child Development 78: 647–663.

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Coelho, L., A. Amatto, C. Halliwell, C. L. R. Gonzalez and R. L. Gibb. 2020. “Building Executive Function in Pre-School Children Through Play: A Curriculum.” International Journal of Play 9, no. 1: 128–142.

Diamond, A., and K. Lee. 2011. “Interventions shown to Aid Executive Function Development in Children 4–12 Years Old.” Science 333: 959–964.

Gibb, R., L. Coelho, N. A. van Rootselaar, C. Halliwell, M. MacKinnon, I. Plomp and C. L. R. Gonzalez. 2021. “Promoting Executive Function Skills in Preschoolers Using a Play-Based Program.” Frontiers in Psychology vol. 12.

Gibb, R., N. Piquette, A. Harker, S. Raza and B. Rathwell, B. 2015. “Building Adult Capability with the Intent to Increase Executive Function and Early Literacy in Preschool Children.” Early Childhood Education 43, no. 1: 21–26.

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Odgers, C., A. Caspi, D. S. Nagin, A. R. Piquero, W. S. Slutske, B. J. Milne, N. Dickson, R. Poulton and T. E. Moffitt. 2008. “Is It Important to Prevent Early Exposure to Drugs and Alcohol Among Adolescents?” Psychological Science 19, no. 10: 1037–1044.

Wenzel, A. J., and M. R. Gunnar. 2013. “Protective Role of Executive Function in High-Risk Environments.” Encyclopedia on Early Childhood Development.


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